Markdown To Do List

Markdown to do list examples

VuePress implements a content distribution API for Markdown. With this feature, you can split your document into fragments, allowing flexible composition in the layout component.

These Markdown Editor let you write and edit markup documents. Use these markdown editor freeware to convert markdown to HTML and PDF. The one great tragedy of content creation is HTML. Cut out the cruddy code produced from writing in word processors by adopting Markup and text editors as your go-to writing solution. For example, the list above looks like this in Markdown: 1. Crack three eggs over a bowl. Now, you're going to want to crack the eggs in such a way that you don't make a mess. If you do make a mess, use a towel to clean it up! Pour a gallon of milk into the bowl.

Here are 5 free online Markdown to PDF converters. You can convert a single MD (Markdown) file or multiple files along with its formatting as PDF files. Q&A for students, teachers, polyglots, and anyone interested in the techniques of second-language acquisition.

# Why do I need Markdown Slot?

First, let’s review the relationship between layout components and Markdown files:

Markdown files are providers of metadata (page content, configuration, etc.), while layout components consume them. We can use frontmatter to define some metadata for common data types, but frontmatter is hard to do something about Markdown / HTML, a complex metadata that involves differences before and after compilation.

Markdown Slots solve this problem.

# Named Slots

You can define a named Markdown slot through the following Markdown syntax:

Use the Content component to use the slot in the layout component:


Here we are using slot-key instead of slot, because in Vue, slot is a reserved prop name.

# Default Slot Content

By default, the slot-free part of a Markdown file becomes the default content of a Markdown slot. You can access this directly using the Content component:

# Example

Suppose your layout component is as follows:

Markdown List Indent

If the Markdown content of a page is this:

Then the rendered HTML of this page will be:

Markdown To Do List Examples

Note that:

Markdown List Nested

  1. Unlike the slot mechanism provided by Vue(opens new window) itself, each content distribution is wrapped in a div whose class is content with the name of the slot.
  2. You need to ensure the uniqueness of the slot defined.

Markdown To Do List

# Welcome to Marxico@(Sample notebook)[Marxico|Manual|Markdown]**Marxico** is a delicate Markdown editor for Evernote. With reliable storage and sync powered by Evernote, **Marxico** offers greate writing experience. - **Versatile** - supporting code highlight, *LaTeX* & flow charts, inserting images & attachments by all means.- **Exquisite** - neat but powerful editor, featuring offline docs, live preview, and offering the [desktop client][1] and offline [Chrome App][2].- **Sophisticated** - deeply integrated with Evernote, supporting notebook & tags, two-way bind editing. ----------[TOC]## Introducing Markdown> Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax designed to be converted to HTML. Markdown is popularly used as format for readme files, ... or in text editors for the quick creation of rich text documents. - [Wikipedia]( showed in this manual, it uses hash(#) to identify headings, emphasizes some text to be **bold** or *italic*. You can insert a [link]( , or a footnote[^demo]. Serveral advanced syntax are listed below, please press `Ctrl + /` to view Markdown cheatsheet.### Code block``` python@requires_authorizationdef somefunc(param1=', param2=0): ''A docstring'' if param1 > param2: # interesting print 'Greater' return (param2 - param1 + 1) or Noneclass SomeClass: pass>>> message = ''interpreter... prompt''```### LaTeX expression$$ x = dfrac{-b pm sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} $$### Table| Item | Value | Qty || :-------- | --------:| :--: || Computer | 1600 USD | 5 || Phone | 12 USD | 12 || Pipe | 1 USD | 234 |### Diagrams#### Flow charts```flowst=>start: Starte=>endop=>operation: My Operationcond=>condition: Yes or No?st->op->condcond(yes)->econd(no)->op```#### Sequence diagrams ```sequenceAlice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?Note right of Bob: Bob thinksBob-->Alice: I am good thanks!```> **Note:** You can find more information:> - about **Sequence diagrams** syntax [here][3],> - about **Flow charts** syntax [here][4].### CheckboxYou can use `- [ ]` and `- [x]` to create checkboxes, for example:- [x] Item1- [ ] Item2- [ ] Item3> **Note:** Currently it is only partially supported. You can't toggle checkboxes in Evernote. You can only modify the Markdown in Marxico to do that. Next version will fix this. ### Dancing with Evernote#### Notebook & Tags**Marxico** add `@(Notebook)[tag1|tag2|tag3]` syntax to select notebook and set tags for the note. After typing `@(`, the notebook list would appear, please select one from it. #### Title**Marxico** would adopt the first heading encountered as the note title. For example, in this manual the first line `Welcome to Marxico` is the title.#### Quick EditingNote saved by **Marxico** in Evernote would have a red ribbon button on the top-right corner. Click it and it would bring you back to **Marxico** to edit the note. > **Note:** Currently **Marxico** is unable to detect and merge any modifications in Evernote by user. Please go back to **Marxico** to edit.#### Data SynchronizationWhile saving rich HTML content in Evernote, **Marxico** puts the Markdown text in a hidden area of the note, which makes it possible to get the original text in **Marxico** and edit it again. This is a really brilliant design because:- it is beyond just one-way exporting HTML which other services do;- and it avoids privacy and security problems caused by storing content in a intermediate server. > **Privacy Statement: All of your notes data are saved in Evernote. Marxico doesn't save any of them.** #### Offline Storage**Marxico** stores your unsynchronized content locally in browser storage, so no worries about network and broswer crash. It also keeps the recent file list you've edited in `Document Management(Ctrl + O)`.> **Note:** Although browser storage is reliable in the most time, Evernote is born to do that. So please sync the document regularly while writing.## ShortcutsHelp `Ctrl + /`Sync Doc `Ctrl + S`Create Doc `Ctrl + Alt + N`Maximize Editor `Ctrl + Enter`Preview Doc `Ctrl + Alt + Enter`Doc Management `Ctrl + O`Menu `Ctrl + M`Bold `Ctrl + B`Insert Image `Ctrl + G`Insert Link `Ctrl + L`Convert Heading `Ctrl + H`## About Pro**Marixo** offers a free trial of 10 days. After that, you need to [purchase]( the Pro service. Otherwise, you would not be able to sync new notes. Previous notes can be edited and synced all the time.## Credits**Marxico** was first built upon [Dillinger][5], and the newest version is almost based on the awesome [StackEdit][6]. Acknowledgments to them and other incredible open source projects!## Feedback & Bug Report- Twitter: [@gock2][7]- Email: <>----------Thank you for reading this manual. Now please press `Ctrl + M` and click `Link with Evernote`. Enjoy your **Marxico** journey![^demo]: This is a demo footnote. Read the [MultiMarkdown Syntax Guide]( to learn more. Note that Evernote disables ID attributes in its notes , so `footnote` and `TOC` are not actually working. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]:

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