Chrome 64

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Chrome 64 bit offline installer
  • Resolved issue 3214: ChromeDriver78: Sendkeys resets text selection with contenteditable
  • Resolved issue 3376: Remove LaunchApp command from ChromeDriver
  • Resolved issue 3432: Sometimes NavigationTracker fails to detect when the page has finished loading
  • Resolved issue 3481: New Print endpoint according to w3c spec
  • Resolved issue 3488: driver.get doesn't throw error when proxy is wrong configured
  • Resolved issue 3502: Use document.hasFocus() to check if element is focused
  • Resolved issue 3515: selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: bad inspector message
  1. Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google LLC.The development process is split into different 'release channels', each working on a build in a separate stage of development.Chrome provides 4 channels: Stable, Beta, Dev, and Canary.
  2. I'm using a 32-bit laptop to download a 64-bit version of Chrome to apply to a group of (Windows) servers that aren't connected to the internet. I'm constantly having the 32-bit stub pushed on me when I want the full 64-bit version to install in an 'offline' state.

Welcome back! New features coming to DevTools in Chrome 64 include:

  • Performance Monitor. View a page's performance in real-time.
  • Console Sidebar. Reduce Console noise and focus on the messages that are important to you.
  • Group similar Console messages. The Console now groups similar messages together by default.

Read on, or watch the video version of these release notes below.

Note: Check what version of Chrome you're running at chrome://version. If you're running an earlier version, these features won't exist. If you're running a later version, these features may have changed. Chrome auto-updates to a new major version about every 6 weeks.

Performance Monitor #

Use the Performance Monitor to get a real-time view of various aspects of a page's load or runtime performance, including:

  • CPU usage.
  • JavaScript heap size.
  • The total number of DOM nodes, JavaScript event listeners, documents, and frames on the page.
  • Layouts and style recalculations per second.

Chrome 64-bit Windows 7

If users are reporting that your app feels slow or janky, check the Performance Monitor for clues.

Why load perf matters: BookMyShow achieved an 80% increase in conversions when they built a Progressive Web App that focused on speed. Learn more.

To use the Performance Monitor:

  1. Open the Command Menu.

  2. Start typing Performance then select Show Performance Monitor.

    Figure 1. The Performance Monitor

  3. Click a metric to show or hide it. In Figure 1 the CPU Usage, JS heap size, and JS event listeners charts are shown.

Related features:

  • Performance panel. Walk through a critical user journey and record everything that happens on the page, including JavaScript activity, network requests, CPU usage, and much more. Can also be used to analyze load performance. Learn more.
  • Audits panel. Run a suite of automated load and runtime performance tests against any URL. Learn more.

If you're just starting out with analyzing performance, the recommended path is to first use the Audits panel, and then investigate further using the Performance panel or Performance monitor.

Console Sidebar #

On large sites, the Console can quickly get flooded with irrelevant messages. Use the new Console Sidebar to reduce the noise and focus on the messages that are important to you.

Figure 2. Using the Console Sidebar to show error messages only

The Console Sidebar is hidden by default. Click Show Console Sidebar to show it.

Related features:

  • Filter text box. Enter some text and the Console only shows messages that include that text. Also supports regex patterns, negative filters, and URL filters.

Group similar Console messages #

Google Chrome Free Download

The Console now groups similar messages together by default. For example, in Figure 3 there are 27 instances of the message [Violation] Avoid using document.write().

Chrome 64 Bit Windows

Figure 3. An example of the Console grouping similar messages together

Click on a group to expand it and see each instance of the message.

Figure 4. An example of an expanded group of Console messages


Uncheck the Group Similar checkbox to disable this feature.

Related features:

  • You can group your own Console messages with

Local Overrides #

Whoops! We originally scheduled this feature to launch in Chrome 64, but pulled it close to the deadline in order to smooth out some rough edges. Apparently, the What's New UI didn't update in time. Sorry!

This feature is shipping in Chrome 65, which will land approximately 6 weeks after Chrome 64. Check out Local Overrides to learn more. If you're on Windows or Mac, you can try Chrome 65 now by downloading Chrome Canary.

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